
Thierry BONNEAU - Company Law and Financial Markets
Full time professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas université, Thierry BONNEAU teaches Banking Law, Financial market Law, Banking and Financial European and international regulation. He gives lectures and lessons in French and in English in several countries (Luxembourg, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mauritius, Colombia, and Singapore).
He is Director of the doctoral school of private law and in charge of the administrative service “Quality/Assessment”. He is also vice-president of the department of private law. He is the author of several books (Banking Law/Droit bancaire, LGDJ 12th éd. 2017; Financial Law/Droit financier (in collaboration), LGDJ 1st éd. 2017; Banking and Financial European and international regulation /Régulation bancaire et financière européenne et internationale, Bruylant 3rd éd. 2016 and 4th éd. 2018) and numerous articles on these subjects. He is a columnist for several law journals. One of the columns is related to financial European and International Law.
Panel member in several French or English law magazines (Bulletin Joly Bourse; Banque et droit; Corporate finance and Capital Markets Law Review, Journal of Financial Regulation), he is co-director of one of them (Revue de droit bancaire et financier), the chairman of the Scientific Council of the International Review of Financial Services (IRFS) and a board member of European Society for banking law and financial Law. He also contributes to the European Banking Institute (EBI). He acts as a legal consultant or expert for law firms and financial institutions, in Paris, in London and in the USA. Find out more

Emmanuelle CHEVREAU - History of the European Idea
Emmanuelle CHEVREAU is a Roman law Professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas université, President of Section Legal History of the Conseil National des Universités and President of the Conseil National du Droit as well as Director of the Institute of Roman law. Mrs. CHEVREAU holds a double undergraduate degree and a double master’s in Law and History from Paris 2 University and Paris IV-Sorbonne University. She also directs an International PhD program on “legal pluralism” in association with the University of Palermo (Sicily).
She is the co-director of the LL.M in European Law.
Professor CHEVREAU is a specialist of Roman private law and her research focuses on the Roman roots of European private law. She has written several books: Les Institutions de l’Antiquité (Lextenso, 2014), Histoire du droit des obligations (LexisNexis, 2011), Droit privé romain (Lextenso, 2009), Le temps et le droit en droit privé romain (De Boccard, 2006) and many articles as well as on Private Roman law, Roman commercial law, and historic foundations of European Private law.
She is also a member of several editorial committees of French and foreign recognized law publishers. She is regularly a visiting professor in many universities not only in Europe but also in the US, Chile, Argentina, and Lebanon. Find out more

Idris FASSASSI - Human Rights: Europe and its Democratic Society
Idris FASSASSI is a Professor of Law at Paris-Panthéon-Assas université where he heads the Center for Comparative Public Law. He is the co-head of the comparative public law master’s degree and the LL.M. in European Law.
He teaches courses and has published in the fields of constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, international human rights law and international criminal law.
He holds a Ph.D. in public law from Aix-en-Provence Law School and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Harvard Law School. He is a qualified attorney admitted to the New York bar and he was a Fulbright scholar and visiting researcher at New York University School of Law.
He is also a judge on the French National Court of Asylum, where he was appointed by the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
He previously interned at the French Constitutional Court (Conseil constitutionnel) and worked as an associate human rights officer at the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.
He recently co-authored Droit des libertés fondamentales (Fundamental Rights Law, 2024) and Introduction au droit public (Introduction to Public Law, 2022).
He has been a visiting professor at University of Virginia School of Law and a Distinguished Senior Research Fellow in the Constitutional Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin.
Fassassi is a board member of the French Association of Constitutional Law.

Sabine CORNELOUP - Private International Law
Sabine CORNELOUP is a professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas université, where she teaches international and European dispute resolution and conflict of laws. Her main areas of research are private international law and migration law. Author of several books and articles, Professor CORNELOUP is the secretary general of the Revue critique de droit international privé, and the deputy secretary general of the Comité français de droit international privé. She is also a member of the Deutscher Rat für Internationales Privatrecht. Find out more

Joseph DREXL - Intellectual Property
Professor DREXL is the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich (since 2002), an Honorary Professor at the University of Munich and a member of the Bavarian Academy of Science. As the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre (MIPLC), Professor Drexl is responsible for an LL.M. program in IP with international outreach. He was the founding Chair of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) from 2003 to 2013, and he is a Vice-President of the Association Internationale de Droit Économique (AIDE). He acted as a visiting professor at Oxford University, the Libera Università Internazionale per gli Studi Sociali (LUISS) Guido Carli in Rome, the New York University, and Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University. Professor DREXL is an expert in both competition law and intellectual property law. The competition law aspects of IP and international issues of both IP and competition law are among his major research interests.

Xavier GROUSSOT - 4 Freedoms
Xavier GROUSSOT is the professor of EU Law at Lund University, Faculty of Law. He is also pro-dean and the Director of the Master Programme in European Business Law. In 2009, Xavier GROUSSOT became a guest professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas université, where he is teaching the course of EU Free Movement Law within the European College of Paris. He is also guest Professor at the University of Reykjavik where he spent his research sabbatical. Professor GROUSSOT is responsible for the faculty MOOC in European Business Law, which is the first course on this topic worldwide. He is a member of the academic board of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS). His areas of research interests relate to constitutional law, economic law, procedural law, federalism, and legal theory. He has published extensively at international level. At this stage, he has published five books and written more than 50 articles.

Christine KADDOUS - External Relations
Christine KADDOUS is Professor at the University of Geneva since 2002. She is a visiting Professor at the Montesquieu University in Bordeaux, Nice Sophia Antipolis, Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University as well as at the College of Europe. Mrs. KADDOUS is Director of the Centre d’études juridiques européennes (CEJE, Center for European Legal Studies) and holds a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam. She is also Co-Director of the Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (MEIG Programme).
She pursued her legal studies in Switzerland (BA and PhD), the United Kingdom (MA in Law, LL.M. (Cantab) at the University of Cambridge) and Belgium (MA in European Studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles). She was admitted to the Bar in 1991 and worked in Commercial Law firms in different cities, in Geneva.
Christine KADDOUS is President of the Swiss Society for International Law (SSDI) since 2008. Her academic interests and activities cover many different areas of International and European Union Law, including the external relations of the European Union, internal market (free movement of goods, persons, and services), dispute settlement (Arbitration and investments) as well as the relations between the European Union and Switzerland (EEA and EFTA included). She is author and editor of many books on European Union Law.
Areas of expertise: EU Law, International Law, European and International Dispute Settlement, International Economic Law (including Investment Law), European Human Rights Law, International Agreements concluded by the EU, EU-WTO Relations, EU-Switzerland Relations, Law and Politics in the Areas of Free Movement of Goods, Persons, Services and Capital, Air and Land Transport, Public Procurement, Technical Obstacles to trade, Environment and Health Protection.

Marie MERCAT-BRUNS - Labor Law
Marie MERCAT-BRUNS is an Affiliated Professor a Sciences Po Law School and a tenured Associate Law Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers where she co-pilots the Gender Program (LISE, CNRS). She holds an LLM from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and comparative PhD on Law and Aging from the University of Paris West Nanterre (two national prizes). She is a member of the scientific board of Presage (Science Po Gender program) and she recently consulted in the Spring of 2018 by the Ministry of Justice for pending reform on guardianship law in France considering CRPD. She was appointed as one of the two general reporters of the National Academy of Comparative Law Thematic Congress on the "Enforcement and Effectiveness of Anti-discrimination law" in Uruguay 2016 (published by Springer 2018 on the law in over 20 countries). She led in June 2016 a two-year study for the Ministry of Justice and Defender of Rights on anti-discrimination law in France and the Netherlands, co-leading a team of colleagues from Paris-Panthéon-Assas université CERSA (CNRS) and the Research Institute CEVIPOF-Science Po.
Previously, in 2009, she helped to create with students a community-based public interest law clinic at Science Po Law School which she currently supervises. It is focused on discrimination law, poverty law, human rights in detention and street law as well. In 2013, she was appointed as a member of group of experts to brainstorm for the former Minister in charge of Senior Citizens Michele DELAUNAY, on the fundamental rights of residents in long-term care facilities in preparation of the new law on the “Adjustment of Society to Aging” which passed in December 2015. Her recent books present a critical view of systemic, multiple discrimination and discriminatory harassment in a comparative perspective.

Gunnar Þór PETURSSON - 4 Freedoms
Gunnar Þór PETURSSON is Professor at Reykjavik University, School of Law, Iceland. He also conducts his academic activity as a visiting Professor in Paris-Panthéon-Assas université (as of 2017) and Visiting Lecturer on the Faculty of Law of Lund University in Sweden (as of 2010).
Formerly, Gunnar Þór Petursson occupied the position of Director of Internal Market Affairs Directorate with EFTA Surveillance Authority in Brussels, Belgium. He re-joined the office again after working with EFTA in the period between 1999 and 2004. Before starting the academic career, between 2008 and 2017, he worked as a legal advisor occupying senior positions for various public, including governmental and private bodies. Education and qualification: Dr. Juris from Lund University, Sweden. Master of Laws (LL.M) with distinction from University of Lund, Sweden. Cand. Juris degree (5 years) from University of Iceland, Faculty of Law. Admitted to practice before Iceland’s District Courts (since April 2002).

David BOSCO - Competition Law
David BOSCO is Professor of Law at the University of Aix-Marseille. He is specialized in competition law. He is the director of the University's Economic Law degree, and of the Master Distribution Concurrence. He heads the French chapter of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA).

Maria José AZAR-BAUD - Consumer Law
Maria José AZAR-BAUD is an Associate Professor (maître de conférences) at the University of Paris-Saclay, and lecturer at several International Universities, such as Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris-Panthéon-Assas universities and, in the past, business schools (ESCP). She has a double PhD (Panthéon-Sorbonne and Buenos Aires Universities) focusing on Collective redress in Consumer Law, under a Comparative Law perspective, which was published in French by Dalloz, in 2013. Maria José has written more than 80 papers in Spanish, French and English and is one of the main authors of a Study on the State of play of Collective redress in Europe, requested by the European Parliament in 2018. At University, she co-chairs the Paris-Saclay Legal Clinics, and is the head of the Observatory of Group Actions and other forms of Collective Redress, that she founded in 2017. Aside from lecturing and training, Maria José acts as an independent counsel on Management of Mass Disputes and seats at the Executive Board of two European non-profit organizations seeking, as plaintiffs, to grant access to justice on a collective scale. She has been heard as expert at the French Senate and Assembly, several Ministries as well as in the European Parliament on representative and group actions Drafts. As a former lawyer at the Bar of Buenos Aires, she has dealt with collective actions, both plaintiff and defendant side, in leading collective cases in Argentina.

Adrien AULAS - Privacy and Data Protection Law
Adrien Aulas is a lawyer at the Paris bar and the co-founder of Lighten, a boutique law firm in creation, digital and tech law. He holds two master’s degrees from the Law School of Sciences Po Paris and Paris 1 Sorbonne University (respectively in Innovation Law and in Digital Commerce & Economy).
As a lawyer, he assists EU and non-EU clients, both public and private organizations, in understanding and achieving strategic compliance with data protection laws and regulations and frequently participates in discussions with competent authorities and institutions.
He is a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris (Digital law), at the University of Strasbourg (Media law) and at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (GDPR & Artificial Intelligence), and the author of several publications in the field of data protection, privacy law and innovative technologies.
Adrien Aulas is also the co-founder of Aeon, a media and think tank dedicated to digital law, and the president of the Youth Section of the French Association pour le Développement de l’Informatique Juridique.

Mathias le MASNE de CHERMONT - Privacy and Data Protection Law
Mathias le Masne de Chermont is a lawyer at the Paris bar and the co-founder of Lighten, a boutique law firm in creation, digital and tech law. He holds a master’s degree from the Sciences Po Law school and a bachelor in philosophy from La Sorbonne University (Paris IV).
He has a strong experience and in-depth practical knowledge of data protection as he acts as data protection officer for several companies in the tech industry, advises clients on advanced and complex data protection issues in the field of AI and open data and lobbies the French data protection authority and lawmakers.
He also lectures in several academic institutions such as the University of Strasbourg (Media law), the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (GDPR & Artificial Intelligence) and Sciences Po Paris (Digital law), and regularly authors articles in data protection and tech related legal issues.
Mathias le Masne de Chermont co-founded Aeon, a media and think tank dedicated to digital law, and was recognized as a Cyber legal expert by the French Association pour le Développement de l’Informatique Juridique.