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Contact / FAQ

Contact / FAQ
Find here the contacts of the LLM in European Law


Registrar's Office : Ms Christine LE SAUX, phone number:+33 (0)1 44 39 86 10

Institut de Droit Comparé
28 rue Saint Guillaume
75007 Paris

Directors of Studies : Prof. Emmanuelle CHEVREAU and Prof. Idris FASSASSI


As soon as you arrive in France, you must validate your visa (click here to find out if you need a visa). The process is entirely digital: you can do everything remotely, from home, on your computer. You must validate your visa within 3 months of arriving in France at the very latest.

To do so, visit the following website.

You might need a French bank account for the student annual transport pass, the CAF subsidy, insurance, paying rent, etc). You will need several documents such as a copy of your passport/ID, a copy of your renting contract, a copy of your student certificate, a copy of your landlord’s ID and a consent form from him. It varies from bank to bank. 

If you are under 26 and you are officially a student, you can apply for the Imagine R pass which allows you to travel unlimited in Paris (it includes Metro, RER, TGVAL, and access to the airports CDG & Orly (though you must pay extra in Orly regardless). You can pick up the subscription envelope in any Metro Information Desk and fill in the “contract” which will give you several options of payment methods (direct debit every month from a French bank account OR by cheque) and how long the pass will be valid for (the earlier you do it the better). You will have to provide a passport photo, your document from the university certifying you are a student and a filled in contract form. You can send it back to them via post without the cost and they will send you your pass to your home address. Alternatively, if you are over 26 or you are not interested in the Imagine R pass, you can always buy a Navigo Pass, which you can buy in any Metro Information Desk for 5 euros and recharge it every first day of the month. It is 75 euros a month and it has the same reach as Imagine R. You must charge it at the beginning of every month and stick a passport photo on it with your name.

In France, if you are a student, under 26 and are living in a rented apartment, you can apply for a subsidy from the government provided you fulfil certain conditions. You can find more information in this official website:

You should check the offers from different providers, prices depend on contract length and data. You may be required to provide a RIB (relevé d’identité bancaire).

Some books are available in English in our library in IDC, Cujas or Assas libraries. You may also get you in touch with alumni from last year who wants to sell their used copy. Most of the books are available online (Amazon FR) but should you want to buy used books, they are also available in online shops. Please, look at the bibliography before buying paper books and order them in advance.

We advise you to constantly check the website of Campus France for suggestions.

University organises job fairs every year, and the biggest one takes place in February.

During the school year, you may benefit from free French classes held at the Assas center. The value is that the schedule of the language course is adjusted to the University's program and it will be easier for you to combine while at the private language schools you might not always be able to keep up with the schedule. We have groups for different levels to meet the needs even of advanced students.

Please check the dedicated website for more information.

At the beginning of the year, we organise a career session for our students. We invite our alumni for this session so that they may share their experiences, give tips on how to find a job, give feedback about the program and answer your questions.

What should I do when arriving in France?

As soon as you arrive in France, you must validate your visa (click here to find out if you need a visa). The process is entirely digital: you can do everything remotely, from home, on your computer. You must validate your visa within 3 months of arriving in France at the very latest.

To do so, visit the following website.

Bank account

You might need a French bank account for the student annual transport pass, the CAF subsidy, insurance, paying rent, etc). You will need several documents such as a copy of your passport/ID, a copy of your renting contract, a copy of your student certificate, a copy of your landlord’s ID and a consent form from him. It varies from bank to bank. 

Transport options

If you are under 26 and you are officially a student, you can apply for the Imagine R pass which allows you to travel unlimited in Paris (it includes Metro, RER, TGVAL, and access to the airports CDG & Orly (though you must pay extra in Orly regardless). You can pick up the subscription envelope in any Metro Information Desk and fill in the “contract” which will give you several options of payment methods (direct debit every month from a French bank account OR by cheque) and how long the pass will be valid for (the earlier you do it the better). You will have to provide a passport photo, your document from the university certifying you are a student and a filled in contract form. You can send it back to them via post without the cost and they will send you your pass to your home address. Alternatively, if you are over 26 or you are not interested in the Imagine R pass, you can always buy a Navigo Pass, which you can buy in any Metro Information Desk for 5 euros and recharge it every first day of the month. It is 75 euros a month and it has the same reach as Imagine R. You must charge it at the beginning of every month and stick a passport photo on it with your name.


In France, if you are a student, under 26 and are living in a rented apartment, you can apply for a subsidy from the government provided you fulfil certain conditions. You can find more information in this official website:


You should check the offers from different providers, prices depend on contract length and data. You may be required to provide a RIB (relevé d’identité bancaire).

Buying books

Some books are available in English in our library in IDC, Cujas or Assas libraries. You may also get you in touch with alumni from last year who wants to sell their used copy. Most of the books are available online (Amazon FR) but should you want to buy used books, they are also available in online shops. Please, look at the bibliography before buying paper books and order them in advance.


We advise you to constantly check the website of Campus France for suggestions.

Job Fairs

University organises job fairs every year, and the biggest one takes place in February.

Learning French

During the school year, you may benefit from free French classes held at the Assas center. The value is that the schedule of the language course is adjusted to the University's program and it will be easier for you to combine while at the private language schools you might not always be able to keep up with the schedule. We have groups for different levels to meet the needs even of advanced students.

Sport activities

Please check the dedicated website for more information.

Annual career sessions and alumni meetings

At the beginning of the year, we organise a career session for our students. We invite our alumni for this session so that they may share their experiences, give tips on how to find a job, give feedback about the program and answer your questions.